Friday, February 03, 2006

6 month appt

Had my 6 month appt today. I am 19 pounds 9 oz and 27 and a half inches long! Woohoo. My Mommy was close, she said I was probably 20 pounds. My Dr says I'm doing great. He liked how good I was sitting up. And he told Mommy not to worry that I wasn't rolling over...he even said I might skip it and go straight to crawling or walking. But I still have no interest in those either!
He also gave Mommy and Daddy the ok to give me solids. I hope they taste better than that yucky rice cereal!
Those darn shots caught me by surprise. That mean old nurse gave me the first one and it sure got my attention, the second one made me start to cry and then she gave me another one and I was crying so hard I couldn't catch my breath! Hello!!! Now that one hurt. But my Mommy picked me up and made me feel all better after that!
So, we are all good until my 9 month appt. Yay!!


Blogger Heather said...

Awwww... those shots suck. You were almost the exact same size as I was at my 6 month appointment! You're doing great!

8/2/06 6:24 AM  

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