Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sad Mommy

My Mommy is sad. I think it's because she noticed that I'm growing out of some of my 6-9 month clothes (and I'm not even 6 months yet!). She says that I need to stop growing so fast. It's not my fault she has super milk and I love eating!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Busy bee

Whew, we had such a busy weekend! My Mommy, Daddy and I went to visit my Auntie Melanie and cousins, Alexis and Matthew (they are old...6 and 5). It's a whole 2 hrs away from our house. I made noises and slept the whole time. (You would have hated it Ryan!!)
Daddy was helping Auntie Melanie install a new door, since the other one is falling apart. So Mommy and Daddy went to get the new door and they left me with Auntie Melanie. I was so mad, I mean hello...why couldn't I go too??? I cried until Auntie started to bring out all kinds of toys and even a swing. My Mommy said she was really amazed that Auntie had all that stuff still, but I loved it. Although she brought out this thing that looked kinda like my jumparoo, but it didn't let me jump. I think she said it was a walker or something...lame! My Auntie was sneaky too, I fell asleep in the swing and ended up taking a nap, against my wishes thank you very much!!
I got to meet on of Mommies very good friends. He was really nice. I kept giving him smiles. We all went out to dinner together too. My very first time. I got to be a big girl and sit in the cool chair. I had lots of fun chewing on the table! Although Mommy and Daddy kept putting my rag where I was chewing. I kept trying to take it off but I finally gave in to them and let them have their way. You've gotta let them think they can get away with things sometimes, you know?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


My Grandma Sally watched me yesterday all by herself for the very first time! So I decided to "break her in". I started off by peeing all over my freshly new clothes she just put on me and all over my changing table stuff too (it was a really good one). That'll teach her to have a fresh diaper ready from now on! (such a rookie move on her part) Then I gave her 2 really good poopy diapers. So I got to wear 3 outfits yesterday, not just one!! I will have to remember that so when Mommy or Daddy puts me in something I don't want to wear I can get them to change me.

I also decided I didn't want to sleep alone last night. So I went to sleep as usual and slept for about an hour and then just when Mommy and Daddy got in bed I started crying...and guess what? It worked! Daddy came and got me and put me in their bed. So I waited until they fell asleep before I really went to sleep and I got to stay with them all night. I think My Mommy and Daddy are really tired today though. Mommy says she doesn't sleep very good when I'm in bed with them. Oh well, I slept great! That's all that matters, right?

Monday, January 09, 2006

Baby alarm clock now in effect

I think my Mommy has been talking to her other Mommies too much. She keeps saying something about a schedule and how she's proud of me having one (sort of). Well, I wasn't sure that I really wanted to commit to something like that...I mean schedules are boring right?
So last night I decided to spice some things up a bit. I went to bed at my usual 9:30pm but as the night wore on and started to turn into morning I decided to wake up and cry. I felt 2 am was a perfect time. I made sure my diaper was full. Well, imagine my surprise when my Mommy just came in and changed my diaper and then put me back in my bed! What the heck?!?! So when I realized she wasn't coming back in to get me I decided to cry again, and guess what??? It worked, she came and got me and took me to her bed, ahhhh. And I acted really hungry so she would feed me too! Sucking on her face when she's carrying me always works!
I haven't decided if I'm gonna wake up tonight too. Hmmm, we'll see.
Oh and by the way, that nap thing was so overated too. I'm taking my naps when I feel like it and that's that!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Pooo-eee Peee-ooo

Hahaha. I got my Mommy again! The past couple days when she comes home from work*, I have a present for her. A BIG poopy diaper just for her! (I make them extra stinky too!) She thinks Gramma Sherree and I have a conspiracy...whatever that is.

*work: noun 1. a horrible place that keeps babies from their Mommies and Daddies for long periods of time.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

OMG...I know what feet are now.

And guess what? I have them! Woohoo. I was playing with them all night. I didn't even notice that my Mommy and Daddy had put me on my blanket on the floor while they took down the christmas tree. These things are so great! The cool thing about them is that they are always here, unlike my toys that try to sneak away from me when I'm not looking! I even found them this morning. Although Mom was trying to interupt me. Something about wanting to put my diaper back on. Geez.
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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Blog, Blog, Blog...

maybe that will be my first word!
Yay, a place to show off my cuteness and express myself! Although I'm not sure how much "expressing" a 5 month old needs, but I suppose we will find out now won't we! Now that Mommy and Daddy are both at work I will have lots of time on my hands. So we'll see what I come up with. Woohoo!