Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm still here!

Oh boy, it sure has been a loooong time. All I have to say is that my Mommy can be lazy! LOL
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So, a lot has been going on. A week after superbowl weekend Mommy and I ended up getting sick. I went to the Dr and ended up having to have this yucky mask thing on...and then it followed me home and my Mommy and Daddy had to do it there too. Mommy said it was supposed to make me not sick anymore so I only put up a small fight. They still have it though so I hope they don't torture me with it later!
I have been eating solids now for a while. I just started today eating them in the morning too and not just at night. So far I like everything but sweet potatoes and applesauce. And I only like it mixed in oatmeal. How can you eat that stuff plain? Gives me the shivers just thinking about it!
I got a new toy and LOVE holding onto it while I am standing. That's the best. Hopefully Mommy can figure out how to post pictures here and she'll show you! I can also move around a little on my belly. Only in a circle though. And when I really want something I seem to get further away from it...I don't get it.
I've started being nice and letting Mommy put me to bed around 8-8:30pm instead of 9:30-10pm. I still wake up sometimes to keep her on her toes, but I really am a good girl at heart.
My Mommy went on a shopping spree last week because she got upset at people at work and it made her feel better....and guess who she spent it all on? If you guessed ME you were right! Although I really hope it warms up soon so I don't freeze while wearing them.


Blogger Heather said...

I'm glad to see you back! I think we're keeping our mommies a lot busier now than we used to because neither of us get to post on our blogs much anymore :( I'm glad to hear you're taking to solids better now. It took me a LOOOOOONG time to attempt to eat things without cereal in it. Now I'm better and will eat just about anything. Does your mommy and daddy feed you things off of your plate?

29/3/06 6:46 PM  

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