Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Superbowl weekend!

So every year Mommy and Daddy go with family and friends to Tahoe and rent a cabin for Superbowl. This year they changed it and we all went to Bodega Bay.
We went and walked on the beach saturday. My first time at the beach. It was really cold though. And Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me play in the sand 'cause they didn't want me to eat it. And it was so cold they didn't want me to get wet. So Daddy carried me in my cool backpack thing. I had lots of fun.
There were so many people there it was kinda neat. Mommy was happy that I didn't cry with all the new faces. There were lots of kids to entertain me too! Now I see why you all have so much fun with brothers and sisters!
On a side note, they fed me solids. Ummm, yuck. I don't see how you all can eat that yucky stuff. They gave me sweet potatoes and they made me shiver! Then they tried peas...not much better. Why can't I just eat BM for the rest of my life?!?!?! And then yesterday Daddy tried to trick me by putting his finger in my mouth to chew on (so I'd open my mouth) and then sticking the yucky stuff in there! Applesauce isn't much better! I'm gonna have to watch out for that tricky Daddy! Mommy got too frustrated that I wouldn't open my mouth so she made Daddy feed me! But I got to play with some noodles after that! I had so much fun throwing them on the ground!

Friday, February 03, 2006

6 month appt

Had my 6 month appt today. I am 19 pounds 9 oz and 27 and a half inches long! Woohoo. My Mommy was close, she said I was probably 20 pounds. My Dr says I'm doing great. He liked how good I was sitting up. And he told Mommy not to worry that I wasn't rolling over...he even said I might skip it and go straight to crawling or walking. But I still have no interest in those either!
He also gave Mommy and Daddy the ok to give me solids. I hope they taste better than that yucky rice cereal!
Those darn shots caught me by surprise. That mean old nurse gave me the first one and it sure got my attention, the second one made me start to cry and then she gave me another one and I was crying so hard I couldn't catch my breath! Hello!!! Now that one hurt. But my Mommy picked me up and made me feel all better after that!
So, we are all good until my 9 month appt. Yay!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Too long

Wow, it's been so long since I've been here! Sorry!
Well a lot has been going on in my world. I haven't seen my Grandma Sheree in awhile. My Mommy and Daddy say she is hurt. I hope she is feeling better soon. Especially since I've heard them talking about leaving me with strangers. Can you believe that? My Mommy seems really upset about it though.
I am sitting up really good. Everyone is so proud of me. Every once in awhile I will take a nap in my bed too. I have been kinda sleepy lately too, so my Mommy thinks I might be growing a lot again.
I have my 6 month check up on Friday, Feb 3rd (I was officially 6 months yesterday!) Hopefully they aren't too mean to me. I will get to eat real food now! Yahoo. Last night I was giving my Mommy the tight lip when she was trying to give me rice cereal. Hello, I just wanted to play with the spoon. I didn't want that rice cereal crap! Sometimes I just can't wait to talk so I can tell her what I want...or better yet what I don't want!